2025 Autore: Daisy Haig | [email protected]. Ultima modifica: 2025-01-24 12:38
Kaytee Pet Products sta richiamando il suo cibo Forti-Diet Pro Health per topi, ratti e criceti a causa della possibile contaminazione con Salmonella. Il singolo lotto di produzione interessato è identificato qui (clicca sull'immagine per espandere):

any product not meeting the above descriptions is not subject to this recall.
recalled products were distributed to retailers and distributors in the states of arizona, california, colorado, florida, georgia, hawaii, illinois, indiana, iowa, kansas, kentucky, maryland, minnesota, missouri, montana, nebraska, new jersey, new york, north carolina, ohio, oklahoma, pennsylvania, puerto rico, rhode island, tennessee, texas, virginia, washington, and wisconsin; and, into the countries of abu dhabi, argentina, australia, brazil, brunei, canada, china, costa rica, czechoslovakia, dominican republic, dutch antilles, finland, germany, great britain, greece, guam, honduras, hong kong, ireland, israel, japan, korea, kuwait, mexico, new zealand, pakistan, panama, russia, singapore, south africa, sweden, thailand, and trinidad.
to date, no human or pet illnesses have been reported due to this product. kaytee has taken immediate action to remove this product from retail stores and distribution centers.
pets with salmonella may display a decreased appetite, fever, and abdominal pain. if your pet has consumed the recalled product and has these symptoms, contact your veterinarian. people infected with salmonella should watch for nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and fever.
consumers who have purchased the kaytee forti-diet pro health mouse, rat & hamster product with the above-referenced information are urged to contact kaytee customer service representatives at 1-800-529-8331.
a letter and instructions will be forwarded to all kaytee customers. kaytee customer service representatives and company veterinarians are responding to inquires through the above phone number and will answer any questions regarding pets that have been fed the product. pet owners can also visit the kaytee website for more information www.kaytee.com.
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